Thursday, October 1, 2009

FoodTRACE Press Release

The following press release was issued on October 1, 2009 by FoodTRACE.

October 1, 2009

FoodTRACE® launches electronic true traceability solution for the Produce Industry.

FoodTRACE® announces the availability of its true traceability solution to the produce industry. The industry, the government and the consumer are all concerned over the continuing problems with food safety and now it is addressed in a more efficient and effective way.

ALM, Alternate Logistics Marketing ( ) and DRS&T, Del Rey Systems and Technologies ( ), both in San Diego, California, have completed two years of development collaboration, and testing resulting in the announcement of a critical application designed to address the two areas that need to consistently operate more efficiently in the case of a food borne illness event; traceability and epidemiology. The companies have created FoodTRACE® (
FoodTRACE® addresses these issues with their program that is currently being launched. The issue of traceability is addressed in the Bio-Terrorism Act of 2002 but those criteria have proven inadequate by themselves. However, companies currently complying with the Bio-Terrorism Act of 2002 already have everything in place in order to utilize the FoodTRACE® program and become part of an instantaneous traceability network. Companies can submit that data, electronically and automatically to FoodTRACE®. That's it. Whatever information a company is currently maintaining, in whatever format that it is in, FoodTRACE® can accept that information and create a single language for all. There is no software, hardware or numbers to buy, there is no additional personnel required, simply a low cost monthly fee, and FoodTRACE® does the rest….and all for much less than one cent per carton. FoodTRACE® also makes available at little or no cost, various custom designed reports to provide exception reporting and other trace-back or informational capabilities. This is especially valuable to smaller companies that can benefit from a variety of professionally designed traceability reports. Most importantly, in the case of an event, FoodTRACE®, within 24 hours of awareness of an event, will advise companies if they are potentially implicated, absolutely implicated, potentially exonerated or absolutely exonerated regarding all of the products that have been reported into the system.
"Other programs being offered to the industry currently require another number to be applied to every carton of product that is packed" stated Mike Domingos, President of ALM. "This is extremely cumbersome, expensive and difficult to maintain, ours is not”. John Granich of DRS&T commented, "Our program is affordable to all size companies and no infrastructure needs changing with ours. All companies have the capability of utilizing only our system or ours as an enhancement to other systems. Based on our conversations on the hill, with the FDA, CDC and others, we believe we exceed all current and anticipated coming requirements of the Government”.
FoodTRACE® is U.S. based as opposed to some others that are being offered. Summarily, it creates electronic traceability for food products, fully up and down the chain from any point in the chain, addresses epidemiology and works to protect both the consumer and the industry.


Contact: (831-229-2331) (703-851-0986)

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